Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First week of school + Hormones = interesting

I started stimulating for my next IVF this past Friday.  It surprised me how quickly I was having side effects from it.   By the middle of the day on Saturday, I was crying hysterical at the fact that Beyonce was on the MTV VMA's and she is pregnant.   The total irrational part of my brain just couldn't understand how someone who has everything else can also have this?   Sean really thought I lost it.   Come Sunday, I was crying over dinner, because the family a few tables behind us had a small baby that the father(?) just had to hold up and right in my view.  He knew how much pain it was causing me. 

Now think of these examples and add in the first week of school.   I am surprised I made it through today without really crying.  Though I did tear up when I went into the doctor's this morning and they were running late and I was missing my only prep of the day.  This week should really be interesting.   A normal back to school week involves a bit of stress, last minute planning and open house.  Adding all these hormones to it scares me a bit.   Fingers crossed that I make it through the week without really crying in front of any students or parents.  

As I mentioned earlier I went into my RE's office this morning for a follicle check.   I didn't get exact numbers, because I wanted to get out of there and get work.  However the nurse said I had quite a few follicles on both sides ("A great start to a cycle") and one or two about 10 mm to 11 mm on each side.  The RE wants them at least 17 or 18mm before triggering for ovulation.   Because they look so great, I get rewarded with another shot.  Yup that means I have two shots for the next two nights.  I go back in on Thursday.   I am hoping ER will be on Saturday and we get lots of eggs.  RE said if we have at least 6 embryos 2 days after ER then we can do a five day transfer, which has slightly better results.  I will take all thoughts and prayers available.

1 comment:

kenadine said...

ou have all the best thoughts and prayers we cam possibly muster.
Kenadine Delano