Monday, April 18, 2011

The perfect wife?

    I figured I would take a step away from infertility related posts to talk about one of the other topics that this blog is supposed to be about:  marriage, in particular being a housewife.
    In the back of mind, I always knew I wanted to be married and have a family, but as I got older, that thought took a backseat for a short time (very short).  There was a time in my life right after high school that I "knew" I wanted to be a big time public relations representative for some sort of entertainment group.  This job would allow to have an apartment in NYC, but I would spend most of my time traveling the world.   THEN I was pulled back to Worcester by a relationship that I was SURE would last forever and I switched from wanting to be a powerful business woman to wanting to be an elementary school teacher.  They are basically the same thing right?   At this time, I began to think more about being a wife and a mother.  I had this idea of what I was going to be.  Even though I can't stand cooking or cleaning, I saw myself as the person who had the always emmaculate house (just my mother and grandmother) and would have a half-way decent on the table ever night.   I wonder if that will actually ever happen.
      I am much happier to scrimp and scrounge so we can get take out food.  Even when I am home all day,  I don't have the drive or energy to cook more than chicken or pasta.  There was a time, not that long ago, that I would plan and cook a real meal almost every night.   That didn't last long.   I am very thankful to Trader Joes for suppling me with all sorts of meals that make me look like a "good wife" when in reality, I microwaved something five minutes before Sean walked through the door.   With all this said, cooking is the thing I do best in terms of "wifely" duties.
       After cooking comes cleaning.....what can I say about cleaning?  I hate it.   While I love the look of the house when it is all cleaned, I hate the process of getting there.   You would think with no real plans this week, I would gladly give an hour or so (really how long does it take clean 900 sq feet) to making my house look good, right?  However the last few mornings, I have sat on the chair with my coffee watching some bad Bravo TV looking around at my house.   I finally get the necessary energy and do the fifteen minute clean that I have perfected.  It is a great method for people who hate cleaning.  I set the stove timer for 15 minutes and clean until the timer goes off.  A few days of this, my first floor looks great, because I had cleaned it four days in a row.  Sadly, I rarely venture to my second floor.   In the back of my mind, I think that only Sean and I go up there so it can be a little cluttered; however, it still need to cleaned, or does it?
     If I am having this much trouble cooking and cleaning for just Sean and I, what is going to happen when our hopeful baby arrives?   Do cleaning companies give discounts for new moms?  Maybe I will be lucky and Ann, the cleaning lady, will show up at my house like Flo used show up at my mom's.  Now that I have procrastinated enough, I think I need to get off the couch and off the computer and clean the house (well the first floor).

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