Monday, April 11, 2011

Lucky Charms

I was never the person to have lucky charms, at least I don't remember having any.   With the exception of a few things, I didn't feel that things brought good luck.   If you tried hard and applied yourself, you would be successful at most things.  I knew there was nothing I could do about my poor turnout that haunted my ballet classes and judges' comments.   All that being said, I did believe in the magic probably a little longer than I would like to admit.  Years after knowing deep down inside that Santa wasn't real, I continued to push myself to believe.   To this day, I believe in the special magical happiness that comes from walking through the gates (yes, Dad at 8 AM promptly) of one of the four Walt Disney World parks.  My childhood stuff animal, Ted E. Bear, went on more vacations than most adults.   My father could come to any dance competition he wanted to, except when I was doing my solo.    However, I don't once remember having a lucky anything that I would need to have with me to win a gold or get an A or even sleep soundly.

Why is it now I am grabbing for any lucky charm I can get?   Do I really think my infertility can be overcome by some things?  Honestly in my head, I say no, but my heart says why not?   I have begun taking a plethora of vitamens and supplements every morning, I drink POM juice on almost a daily basis, I munch on pineapple core after ovulation, and I drink more green tea than water.    Why not add a few things to my life?   So with that thought in mind, I sought out a friend who I knew had a little fertility statue.  It is now sitting predominately on my bed side table.   I found a site on line that sells fertility jewelry (The Fertile Garden (Etsy) ) and my mother ordered me a bracelet.   The website even included an explanation of the gemstones used:
   Red Carnelian gemstone is said to boost fertility and stimulate the reproductive system (your orange chakra in your belly). Carnelian is popular as a healing stone and also clears negative energy and replace it with positive energy.
    Rose quartz are the beads of love and fertility and encourage feelings of calmness and tranquility.
    Moonstone is a feminine stone, which is said to have powers that aid in nurturing receptivity and balancing of the emotions. The stone promotes love, hope, and fertility
    Turtles are a symbol of fertility and vitality. Known for their patience, endurance, longevity and tenacity.

Do I believe any of this stuff will actually help us?  To be honest I don't know.   There is enough folklore out there help support the power of these symbols and items to make me believe that there must be something there.  Even if it simply gives me a litle more positive outlook on the process than it has done its job.

After receiving my medication this past week, I will need all the luck I can get.   Even though I have definitely overcome my fear of needles, the shear amount that I will need to go through soon has me on edge. 

Looks like fun doesn't it? 
All these lovely needles will be working to put crazy hormones into my body.   Hopefully my belonephobic husband will be able to overcome his fear enough to be in the room to help me with some of these shots.   If he can't do this, hopefully my crazy hormonal rants don't send him packing to another home.     I still have another week or two before all this fun starts.  I hope my lucky fertility socks make it here before I have to start!

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