Monday, November 14, 2011

Stuck in a holding pattern

Last time I wrote we were awaiting insurance approval.  Tufts was very prompt and denied us a few days later.  They requested that Sean does some more testing and I redo my day 3 testing because we have been doing this so long my original testing had expired.  To say I was frustrated is an understatement.  However, after thinking about it, I realized that this wasn't a tragedy.  Much of the testing the insurance has requested for Sean is testing that I had been asking for for months from our previous clinic.   Hopefully it will give us some more answers.

All this testing is pushing back our next IVF.   I have some testing that needs to be done this week or next; Sean has a doctor's appointment the week after Thanksgiving, so it will be mid-December before we get approval.  Then we have to do an IVF class and then we can begin our cycle.  I'm hoping that we can do the IVF class late in this upcoming cycle or early in the next, and then we can start near the end of the December cycle, which would put us for a January ER.  Worse case is starting in January with a February ER.  Both those months seem so far away, but really what can you do except keep busy.  That is exactly what I'm trying to do.  We spent most of weekend emptying our basement, so that we can remodel it and make a great family space.  It is amazing how much stuff we have collected in just a few years.  I spent much of the time looking through old photos and dance medals.  It was a great trip down memory lane.

On a slightly different note, last weekend Sean and I went to the RESOLVE of NE conference to get some information on adoption.   A few good things came out of that weekend.   1) We were by far the youngest in the adoption seminars.   Most people were in their mid- to late 30s and have done at least 5 IVF cycles.   I have begun thinking that maybe I could handle more than one more if necessary.  2) My blog entry (Infertility is...) won the blog contest!   We had just finished eating lunch and the head of the organization was giving some volunteer awards and then the blog award.  All of a sudden she starting reading my blog.  I was shocked!   Sean actually was out of the room and missed it.    Not only will my entry be published on their website and in the winter newsletter, but I also won a Circle + Bloom IVF/IUI mind and body program (I really wanted one for my next cycle) and an IVF companion planner.   Sean now is convinced that I should write a book about our experience.  Who knows maybe that is how I will pass the next few months?

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Congratulations on winning the contest! How exciting!

I'm happy for you...seems like things are looking positive for you guys!